Thursday, August 17, 2023

Important Reminders for All Classes


  • Pay attention to the blue dates within the posts. Ignore the black date above the post.
  • You must follow the exact directions in each post. If you do not, points will be taken off your work.

Information for Parents/Guardians About Mr. Mulhern's Classes and How to Keep Apprised of Student Progress

Information for Parents/Guardians About Mr. Mulhern’s Classes

You can keep up-to-date about how your student is doing in class through the following methods:

Mindfulness Quotes--Choose one, reflect, and write your thoughts. You will not be asked to share unless you want to do so.

Inspiring Quotes from the Work of Ralph Waldo Emerson--Link

Inspiring Quotes from the Work of Henry David Thoreau--Link

English III--"Walden"--Close Reading Activity. Posted on April 19, 2024. Due on April 25, 2024.

English III--"The Coming Merging of Mind and Machine" Assignment. Posted on April 15, 2024. Due on April 18, 2024.

Link to reading selection:

English III--"The Ends of the World as We Know Them," an Argument by Jared Diamond. Due on April 12, 2024. Posted on April 8, 2024.

English III--"Reality Check," by David Brin. Due on April 15, 2024. Posted on April 8, 2024.

Here is the link for the selection:

ENC1102--Happiness Research Paper. Due April 18, 2024. You may choose to write this paper on your own or you may collaborate (no more than three students per paper).

Requirements for Essay

  • Typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times Roman or Arial font
  • Research Paper format--MLA style.
  • At least three pages of the actual essay (to the bottom of the third page).
  • No more than three internal citations. You can use any of the texts or links below or sources from your own research into the topic.
  • Original creative examples from your reflection (besides external sources) with excellent elaboration. Remember, your unique perspective is what makes your essay stand out.
  • A Works Cited page.
  • No cover page.

Research Paper, Peer Editing (Generic)

Peer Editing—Research Paper (Put a checkmark at the end of each bulleted point as you review.) Staple this sheet to the front of the paper when you have completed the editing process.
  • Write "Peer Editor" and your name at the top of your classmate's paper.

ENC1102--Read and Respond to "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. Class Activity for April 8 and April 9, 2024.

You and a partner or partners (a maximum of three students in a group) will read this famous story in a "reciprocal reading" activity. I will explain this activity in class. Click on the link, read the story, and then answer the questions at the end. You may all work on the answers together, but you must have a copy of your responses in your binder. Always provide textual evidence when possible. Be prepared to facilitate a scholar-led discussion.

ENC1102--See handout distributed in class for future assignments and due dates. Handout given to class on April 2, 2024.

Read classic short stories.

Read classic stories on handout. Follow the directions. Try to come up with reasons they are classic stories.

Collaborative Essay Assignment. Due at the beginning of class.

  1. Meet with your partner in class and, if needed, in Google Chat, Google Meet, or Zoom. One of you, a facilitator, must set up the meetings and convey the information to your peers for the Google or Word document you can all collaborate on. You will also have time to work on this assignment in class.

ENC1102--Collaborative Analytical Essay--Love Theme in Short Stories. Assignment is due on April 3, 2024. (You may choose to do this assignment on your own.)

  1. Collaborative Essay--Love Theme in Short Stories

  2. Listen and write down the names of the peers you will be working with on this assignment. If you choose to write this essay with peers, see this link: (Remember, you may choose to write this essay on your own.)

English III--Read and Annotate the Handout, "Growing Up Asian in America." Also create questions (must be question types I have specified in a post) and answers with textual support. Assignment is due April 16, 2024. You already have the handout.


Read and annotate the text (I distributed the handout); complete the assignment of a handwritten MLA-style document for important reading questions (see Canvas and also the post on question types on this website). You must create the answers and provide textual support. Also, include a vocabulary section--at least five words defined, not those defined by the book editor. You must create questions and answers modeled after those specific question types in Canvas, Exercise Two (not random questions). You should also have an annotated paper document of the story. (Take pictures of your documents and upload them onto your laptop computer.)

English III--"The Jungle." Posted on March 19, 2024. Due April 5, 2024. Do not forget to do the assignments on the handout that was distributed in class. Directions and due dates for different readings are on the handout.


You can find this reading selection in the electronic textbook, Unit 5.