Thursday, August 17, 2023

English III--"Of Plymouth Plantation." Due Monday, August 28, 2023. Assigned on August 24, 2023

Read "Of Plymouth Plantation"

Answer the following questions in an MLA-formatted Word document. You do not need to include the questions. Your answers should be complete sentences--specific and elaborate, with textual support (quotes). Whenever you include quotes to support a response, you should type the page number or paragraph number in parentheses after the quoted text. (You may also simply type the first three words of the paragraph within parentheses; although this is not standard MLA citation format, for PDFs that may not have page or paragraph numbers, I will allow you to do this). 

You should have a Word document printed out and put in your binder (kept there for the entire semester.) You should also have the Word document on your laptop for the entire semester. I could ask for this assignment at any time (I could collect your printout or ask you to upload your laptop file to Canvas).

I expect you to have this work completed at the beginning of the class period it is due. Please staple and punch three holes into all your documents that you place in your binder. You should purchase a stapler and three-hole puncher. 

By the way, you have plenty of time to complete this assignment and print it out. Plan ahead.

Label the file name on your laptop in the same format as you were told for previous Word documents.
  1. Note how many times Bradford makes references to God/the Bible/religion/providence/scripture. (Count the references on the first three pages.) Cite a few examples of the allusions. What does the number/amount of these references (allusions) reveal about the Puritan people's worldview?
  2. Cite examples of bias/assumptions/point of view, in particular Bradford's (European) bias related to the Native Americans. Describe key scenes and explain the bias. Cite keywords (loaded language) that contribute to your proof of bias.
  3. Cite places where the mode of discourse (rhetorical mode) changes within the text. For example, sometimes Bradford uses argument, sometimes description, sometimes narration, sometimes cause/effect, etc.
  4. Cite sections of the text where Bradford is cognizant of (aware of, thinking about) the fact that this historical chronicle will be read by future generations. What image does Bradford hope future generations have of their forefathers, and why?
  5. Cite examples of archaic (old-fashioned) language (diction). Why do you suppose Bradford uses archaic language? What effect does it have on the reader? You should know that the language Bradford used at times was considered archaic even for that period. Language is a reflection of how a culture/people wants to be perceived--their values and beliefs.
  6. Cite examples of emotional appeals (pathos) and specify their effects upon the reader.
  7. Cite examples of logical appeals (logos) and specify their effects upon the reader.
  8. Look up any word that you do not know and write down the definitions.
  9. When Bradford writes "they" he means the Puritans, and of course he was one of them. He is writing the text in what he believes is an objective fashion. What was his motive/purpose for writing the text in an "objective" fashion?
  10. Read the six points of the treaty. For each point, state who most benefits (Puritans, Native Americans, or both). When Bradford writes "he nor any of his" in point one, he is referring to the Native Americans. When he writes "their people," he is referring to the Puritans. This should help you better understand what he means.
  11. We have discussed the worldview of Native Americans. Compare and contrast the values/attitudes of Native Americans and Europeans (in this instance, the Puritans). Consider ideas about God, right/wrong, good/evil between these two groups of people. Cite text as much as possible to support your arguments.