Sunday, March 5, 2017

FSA ELA--Thinking Process for Responding to the FSA Informative/Explanatory Writing Prompt

Thinking, Nicholas Roerich (1918)
The DOE sample prompt reads as follows:

Writing Prompt
(from the Florida Department of Education website)

Write an informational essay on the relationship between clothing styles and developments in clothing creation. Your ideas must be based on ideas, concepts, and information from the passage set.

Manage your time carefully so that you can read the passages; plan your essay; write your essay; and revise and edit your essay.

Your written response should be in the form of a multi-paragraph essay. Remember to spend time reading, planning, writing, revising, and editing.

Type your answer in the space below.


As you can see, I have highlighted the key words from the prompt so that you know exactly what to focus on in your response. I suggest that you keep these important words foremost in your mind as you read the passages. I also suggest that you quickly brainstorm synonymic words (synonyms) and phrases for "relationship," "clothing styles," and "developments in clothing creation." By doing this, you will be able to add variety to your essay, rather than repeating the same key words. Think of the key words from the prompt as your "North Star" or "Anchor" while you closely read the texts. You must practice making very quick judgements about the texts that you are reading: "Does this part of the text relate to the task of the prompt?"; "What inferences can I make from the passage that directly relate to my writing objective (answering the prompt with precision and clarity and proof, i.e., textual citations)?"

Paragraph One of the first article, "Ready-Made Clothing and Tailoring," has a lot of information. You must think deeply and logically about how you can use the information in the passage in order to connect ideas that are discussed to the prompt task. You will need to depend on your skills of making inferences (drawing conclusions) and logical thinking. Be creative in your thinking, but you must always base your thinking on factual information from the passages. Do not bring in any outside knowledge to your response, as the requirements for this essay specifically state, "Your ideas must be based on ideas, concepts, and information from the passage set."

Paragraph one of the first text for the Informative/Explanatory prompt discusses the American Civil War and the fact that "apparel existed but was limited." The author states, "The Civil War was a pivotal event in the historical development of men's ready-made clothing," elaborating on how at first most uniforms were custom-made, but as the war continued, the manufacturers "started to build factories that could quickly and efficiently meet the growing demands of the military." At this point in reading the text, you may be asking yourself how this development of clothing relates to "clothing styles." Don't give up. Read on, think creatively, and make some logical connections. The text is not going to give you the answer to the prompt outright. You must make inferences. Notice how the text continues to seem as though it has nothing to do with the prompt: for example, the author discussing the necessity for standardized measurements based on ratios of shoulder to waist measurements. It is at the very end of the paragraph, however, where you can make your first appropriate inference. The key sentences are "Today these ratios persist in names of fits and cuts in men's suits, shirts, and denim jeans. A men's store might offer a slim fit, a classic fit and a relaxed fit." Concentrate on the words "slim fit," "classic fit," and "relaxed fit." Aren't these words related to style? Fit has to do with tailoring and the way a piece of clothing looks--its style. At many clothing stores, consumers prefer one of these fits (styles) over others. For example, some prefer a more tapered look in their clothing style, while others prefer a "baggy" look. Thus, the manufacturing that resulted as a direct consequence of the pivotal Civil War led to modern-day styles of dress that we can find in most of our department stores. If you are patient, if you think deeply, if you use critical thinking, logic, and inferences, you will be able to highlight appropriate parts of the texts. The writing of the essay will be easy once you have read with effort.

Read every paragraph with the same focus: pausing occasionally, asking the questions that I mention in my opening, and then reflect for a moment, thinking deeply to make the necessary connections within the information presented. In this type of prompt, it will be rare that the answer is explicit (stated outright). Once you begin to experience "aha" moments as you read and think, highlighting good parts of the text (in this case the end of paragraph one) will become easier. Then you can parse (selectively choose) words from the text (use paraphrase with quoted words and phrases) to write an original, creative, well-reasoned response. Critical thinking is so important in this essay.