Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Analysis Essay--Politic Rhetoric

Choose two of the political texts we have read. Compare and contrast how the writers use rhetorical strategies--structure, devices, etc., to support a main argument/theme/purpose of their essays.

Be sure to state in the opening paragraph the full names of the authors and the full titles of their texts. Include a clear, well-stated thesis statement about each author's main argument as well as the most effective rhetorical devices they use in conveying their messages. How are the texts similar and/or different in their rhetoric?

Brainstorm ideas first. Consider how you are going to organize your discussion and which rhetorical strategies you will elaborate on in your essay. Be sure your body paragraphs are coherent, substantive, and fluid with excellent topic sentences. Keep the main argument in mind as you elaborate. Include quotes (with in-text citations). Your essay should be at least two pages to the bottom. A Works Cited page is not needed.