Thursday, August 17, 2023

Important Reminders for All Classes


  • Pay attention to the blue dates within the posts. Ignore the black date above the post.
  • You must follow the exact directions in each post. If you do not, points will be taken off your work.

Information for Parents/Guardians About Mr. Mulhern's Classes and How to Keep Apprised of Student Progress

Information for Parents/Guardians About Mr. Mulhern’s Classes

You can keep up-to-date about how your student is doing in class through the following methods:

Mindfulness Quotes--Choose one, reflect, and write your thoughts. You will not be asked to share unless you want to do so.

Inspiring Quotes from the Work of Ralph Waldo Emerson--Link

Inspiring Quotes from the Work of Henry David Thoreau--Link

English III--"Walden"--Close Reading Activity. Posted on April 19, 2024. Due on April 25, 2024.

English III--"The Coming Merging of Mind and Machine" Assignment. Posted on April 15, 2024. Due on April 18, 2024.

Link to reading selection:

English III--"The Ends of the World as We Know Them," an Argument by Jared Diamond. Due on April 12, 2024. Posted on April 8, 2024.

English III--"Reality Check," by David Brin. Due on April 15, 2024. Posted on April 8, 2024.

Here is the link for the selection:

ENC1102--Happiness Research Paper. Due April 18, 2024. You may choose to write this paper on your own or you may collaborate (no more than three students per paper).

Requirements for Essay

  • Typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times Roman or Arial font
  • Research Paper format--MLA style.
  • At least three pages of the actual essay (to the bottom of the third page).
  • No more than three internal citations. You can use any of the texts or links below or sources from your own research into the topic.
  • Original creative examples from your reflection (besides external sources) with excellent elaboration. Remember, your unique perspective is what makes your essay stand out.
  • A Works Cited page.
  • No cover page.

Research Paper, Peer Editing (Generic)

Peer Editing—Research Paper (Put a checkmark at the end of each bulleted point as you review.) Staple this sheet to the front of the paper when you have completed the editing process.
  • Write "Peer Editor" and your name at the top of your classmate's paper.

ENC1102--Read and Respond to "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. Class Activity for April 8 and April 9, 2024.

You and a partner or partners (a maximum of three students in a group) will read this famous story in a "reciprocal reading" activity. I will explain this activity in class. Click on the link, read the story, and then answer the questions at the end. You may all work on the answers together, but you must have a copy of your responses in your binder. Always provide textual evidence when possible. Be prepared to facilitate a scholar-led discussion.

ENC1102--See handout distributed in class for future assignments and due dates. Handout given to class on April 2, 2024.

Read classic short stories.

Read classic stories on handout. Follow the directions. Try to come up with reasons they are classic stories.

Collaborative Essay Assignment. Due at the beginning of class.

  1. Meet with your partner in class and, if needed, in Google Chat, Google Meet, or Zoom. One of you, a facilitator, must set up the meetings and convey the information to your peers for the Google or Word document you can all collaborate on. You will also have time to work on this assignment in class.

ENC1102--Collaborative Analytical Essay--Love Theme in Short Stories. Assignment is due on April 3, 2024. (You may choose to do this assignment on your own.)

  1. Collaborative Essay--Love Theme in Short Stories

  2. Listen and write down the names of the peers you will be working with on this assignment. If you choose to write this essay with peers, see this link: (Remember, you may choose to write this essay on your own.)

English III--Read and Annotate the Handout, "Growing Up Asian in America." Also create questions (must be question types I have specified in a post) and answers with textual support. Assignment is due April 16, 2024. You already have the handout.


Read and annotate the text (I distributed the handout); complete the assignment of a handwritten MLA-style document for important reading questions (see Canvas and also the post on question types on this website). You must create the answers and provide textual support. Also, include a vocabulary section--at least five words defined, not those defined by the book editor. You must create questions and answers modeled after those specific question types in Canvas, Exercise Two (not random questions). You should also have an annotated paper document of the story. (Take pictures of your documents and upload them onto your laptop computer.)

English III--"The Jungle." Posted on March 19, 2024. Due April 5, 2024. Do not forget to do the assignments on the handout that was distributed in class. Directions and due dates for different readings are on the handout.


You can find this reading selection in the electronic textbook, Unit 5.

Mulhern's "English likes . . ." Mantras--Preparation for the PSAT/SAT--Study to Help on the Tests. Copy and paste these mantras into a Word document, print them out, and place the document in you binder. If you write the mantras out, you will remember them better and be more successful on the SAT. You need not write every word; you can make the explanations more concise as long as you understand them.

Complete this phrase ("English likes . . . ) as many times as you can with the "English mantras" (concepts, principles, generalizations) you have learned. Try to create more mantras:

ENC1102--"A&P" Short Story Assignment. Due March 15, 2024. Assignment was posted on February 29, 2024. Also remember the other assignments that were given verbally and written on the whiteboard. In addition, you received handouts of the due dates for those assignments on February 29 or March 1.

Read and annotate the text, as well as complete the usual assignment of a Word document for important reading questions (Canvas) and answers (with vocabulary). You should also, as usual, have a Word document for the annotations or a printed-out copy of the story annotated.

English III--"The Pit and the Pendulum." Assignment posted on February 29, 2024. Assignment is due on March 19, 2024. Do not forget to do the assignments on the handout that was distributed in class on February 29 or March 1. Directions and due dates for these readings are on the handout.

Click on this link for the reading selection:

English III--"To Build a Fire" Assignment. Posted on February 29. Due on March 15, 2024. Do not forget to do the assignments on the handout that was distributed in class on February 29 or March 1. Directions and due dates for these other readings are on the handout.

This text is in the electronic textbook (Unit 5).

ENC1102: Essay--Analysis of Literature. Assignment was posted on February 26, 2024. Assignment is due on March 5, 2024.

Write an essay comparing and contrasting the theme of evil in two short stories we have read in this class. Explain the nature of evil in each of the readings. How does each writer's use of literary elements contribute to the type of evil he/she is describing? What is the message of each story? Focus on similarities and differences in the stories. As appropriate, include analysis of how different literary elements contribute to your thesis. Late work is never accepted in this class. You get a grade of zero. Remember, plagiarism is a serious offense. A plagiarism program will be utilized. You may write this paper collaboratively. See the following link:

ENC1102--"Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?" Be sure this assignment is completed by Monday, February 26, 2024. FYI: This assignment was already posted (ENC1102--Future Assignments) and due February 16.

English III Announcement--Digital SAT Preparation begins February 20, 2024.


Dear Scholars,

Beginning February 20, we will start preparing for the new Digital SAT, which differs greatly from the previous SAT.

English III--"Genesis of the Tenement" or "How the Other Half Lives" Assignment is due on February 15, 2024. Assignment was posted on February 8, 2024.

Read this excerpt from Jacob Riis's book on tenement life in New York City. Riis published his book in 1890 after he spent time as a police reporter in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, a poor area crowded with immigrants. Click on the link.

ENC Classes--How to Get Textbooks

You can order your book online through the North Campus bookstore. Call the bookstore for directions on how to do this. You may also go to the bookstore and pick up your text in person. Bring a copy of your schedule. Tell the people at the bookstore you are a dual-enrollment student at ATC High School with Professor Mulhern. 

ENC1102--"Night Calls" PDF. Assignment posted on February 14, 2024. Assignment is due on February 22, 2024.

Read and annotate the story, as well as complete the usual assignment of a Word document for important reading questions (Canvas) and answers (with a vocabulary section). You should also, as usual, have a Word document for the annotations (or take a picture of the annotated printout and upload it to your laptop computer). Remember, always have electronic and printed-out copies of all assignments for the entirety of the semester. They could be checked at any time for a grade.

English III--"The Minister's Black Veil." Assignment posted on February 14, 2024. Assignment due on February 20, 2024.

Read "The Minister's Black Veil." Click on this link:

ALL CLASSES--Please carefully read this announcement.


I have repeatedly told you that assignments should be kept in your binder for the entirety of the semester. I have also told you many times that even if you are absent, you are responsible for copying the agenda and the W.O.D. activity for the day(s) you missed. Of course, you would create your own original sentence.

These agendas or W.O.D. activities could also be checked at any time for a grade. Be sure you do all assignments and keep them in your binder always. 

Film Response Activity--(Use this note-taking activity when watching a documentary.)

When you watch a film in this class, you will usually have an activity to fulfill. This is one of those activities. On a lined piece of paper, write the following:

English III--Possible Movie Evaluation Essay or Simply Notes for Discussion. Take notes on the movie in case you have to write an evaluative essay. Announced in class prior to Thanksgiving break, November 2023.

You will write a short film review (at least a page and a half, typed, MLA format).

English III--"The Lowest Animal" by Mark Twain. Assignment given on February 8, 2024. Assignment is due on February 12, 2024. Assignment should be kept in your binder for the entirety of the semester and could be collected at ANY time, not just the due date.

Please neatly handwrite this assignment using MLA format. Use correct capitalization, title format, and subtitle format. Points will be taken off for any mistakes in MLA format or careless grammatical and spelling errors. You can find this reading selection in the electronic textbook, Unit 5.

ENC1102--Future Assignments. See due dates within the post.

Use the Search Box on this website to find the assignment posts for the first two readings below. You may handwrite annotations on printouts. If you ever need a printout, google the name of the text, the author's last name, the text title, "text," and "PDF." You must keep all work in your binder for the entirety of the semester (to be collected at any time).

English III --The Declaration of Independence. Assignment posted on January 31, 2024. Assignment is due on February 2, 2024.

Create an Important Reading Questions (with answers) Word document for The Declaration of Independence. Centered title within the Word Document: Questions on The Declaration of Independence (no ital., no underline, no bold, same size font as rest of text). Include cited quotations in your answers as textual support, as appropriate. 

Create an Annotations Word document. Centered title within the Word document: Annotations for The Declaration of Independence (no ital., no underline, no bold, same size font as rest of text).

*You are never required to answer any questions or do any activities in the PDFs unless I tell you to do so. However, reviewing the questions and/or activities may help you understand the reading better.

ENC1102--Flannery O'Connor Links: Assigned on January 23, 2024. Due on January 29, 2024. Late Work is Never Accepted.

Print out, read, and annotate the following article--"The Nature and Aim of Fiction.” ( For this reading, you can handwrite annotations on the article itself or take notes, indicating paragraph numbers. Upload a picture of your annotated text to your laptop computer.

Print out, read, and annotate the following story. Be prepared for a possible quiz: For this reading, follow the directions below:

English III--Reading assignments/annotated documents with due dates. Also: group presentations--Analysis Activity of the readings. The due dates for reading and annotating the different selections (all students) are listed within the post. You get a zero if you do not have the annotated document in your binder whenever I ask for it. The major group Analysis Activity will be due in the future (due date and names of group members to come).


Rhetoric--the skillful use of literary elements to enrich the understanding, reading, and power of a text (communicated orally or in writing).

Important Goals:
  • Identify Critical Content and Explain Why Important.
  • Examine Similarities and Differences Among Texts or Parts of a Text.

All students are responsible for reading and annotating every text. See the due dates below. 

Important Reading Question Types. Students Create (Deliberative Practice for the PSAT/SAT). Please See the Information About the Required Checklist at the Bottom of this Post.

Exercise One

Use this link to create the most common question types in the SAT Reading section. Apply them to the text you are reading. Also, create the answers. Be very specific. to an external site. 

English III--Qualities and Functions of a Myth (Notes for Lecture). Handwrite these notes in your binder.

The Return of Ulysses, Georgio de Chirico (1968)

Handwrite the following notes in your binder. I could check them at any time during the semester for a grade. If you do not have them when I ask, you earn a grade of zero:

A myth is a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature (

English III Sample Syllabus

English III Syllabus
Mr. Mulhern
Room 2402

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Into Literature (Grade 11)--Access electronic version through Clever (the square brown "Ed" icon).

Supplemental Resources: Internet sites, and teacher handouts

ENC1102--Literary Rhetoric Assignment. Due January 26, 2024. Assignment posted on January 23, 2024. Late Work is Never Accepted.

Look up the following literary terms. In your binder, handwrite the definition and an example when appropriate (do at least twenty-two to thirty each night). Please note that usually assignments are required to be typed; however, because handwriting has been proven to help students remember better, for this assignment, I want you to write your work.

ENC1102--"Young Goodman Brown." Read and annotate the text. Posted January 23, 2024. Due January 31, 2024.

Print out and annotate the following story by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Highlight important sentences. If there is not enough room for annotations on the printout, write or type your notes in an MLA-formatted document, which you keep in your binder. Be able to explain how literary techniques (organization of plot, climactic moments, details, characterization, dialogue, imagery, mood/tone, shifts, setting, figurative language, connotations of diction, theme, similes, metaphors, etc.) contribute to this text. Indicate page numbers, paragraph numbers, and line numbers, as appropriate. Then do the "Shorter Analysis Activity" in an MLA-formatted document with numbered and titled sections: 

Questions: Historical Background to Puritans (134-136)

Boston Harbor, Maurice Prendergast (1900-1905)

Questions:   Historical Background to Puritans (134-136)

1. What are some of the positive qualities of the Puritans?
2. What was the Puritan attitude towards wealth?

English III--Links for Important Notes on the Puritans. During class lectures, write these notes in your binder. (General Notes on Puritans) (Historical Background to Puritans (134-136 in orange textbook) (Positive Legacy of Puritans) (Reasons for the Decline of Puritanism)

English III--Of Plague and Pilgrims: The Grim Story Behind the First Thanksgiving--Read and reflect to enhance your knowledge (not mandatory).

Read this interesting account about Pilgrims/Puritans and disease:

Click on the following link:

Copy and paste the article into a Word Document and print out if you like. As you read, annotate and take notes. This assignment is optional.

English III--Reasons for the Decline of Puritanism in the Colonies. Due January 26, 2023. Posted January 17, 2023.

A Rainy Day in Boston, Childe Hassam (1885)
Handwrite these notes and place them in your binder. I could check them at any time for a grade. If you do not have them, you earn a grade of zero.

1. The Salem Witch Trials caused a lack of confidence in Puritan authority.

2. Younger generations of very religious people often tend to be not as strictly religious as their parents.

3. There were opportunities for westward expansion and new land.  The Puritans began to spread out. The Puritan communities became less cohesive or “tight.”

English III--Positive Legacy of Puritans--Write These Notes in Your Binder During Class Lecture.

Provincetown Dunes, Charles Demuth (1914)

Handwrite these notes in your binder. I could check them at any time during the semester for a grade. If you do not have the notes if I ask for them, you earn a grade of zero.

1. They were people who valued education strongly.  Puritans established the first public high school in America--Boston Latin School.  They also thought that it was very important that both boys and girls receive an education, although the extent of the different sexes' education varied.  Puritans established the first Ivy League colleges in America.

English III--Notes on Puritans--Write down so you remember better. Handwriting equals thinking. Write these notes in you binder during class lecture.

Blue Bay and Dunes, Milton Avery (1961)
Handwrite the following notes into your 3-ring binder.  You may abridge (shorten) some of the longer notes as long as the meaning is clear. I could check these notes at any time during the semester for a grade. Be sure you keep them in your binder.

Key Terms and Dates

1. total depravity--the Puritan/Pilgrim belief that from the moment of birth, human beings are filthy, disgusting, and evil.  

2. grace--the one shining light in Puritan theology: God may decide to forgive or demonstrate an act of goodness for reasons unknown to humans.

English III--"The World on the Turtle's Back" Questions: Due Thursday, August 24, 2023. Posted on August 21, 2023.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Be sure to add textual support (quotes) to support your answers as much as possible. You do not need to write the questions (although you may if you want to). Number your responses.

English III--"Of Plymouth Plantation." Due Monday, August 28, 2023. Assigned on August 24, 2023

Read "Of Plymouth Plantation"

English III--Read "Balboa," a short story in Unit One of the Electronic Textbook. Do the assignments specified in the post. Due September 5, 2023. Posted August 30, 2023.

Read "Balboa" in Unit 1 of the electronic textbook. Then create the following Word documents:

ENC1101--Analyze President Obama's Speech on the Death of Bin Laden. Due September 5, 2023. Posted on August 30, 2023.

1. Read the text. Then annotate the speech below in a Word document. 
2. Create a second Word Document: Questions on Obama's Bin Laden Speech. For your "Question" document, this time you should answer the questions after the text below. You may copy the questions, but you do not have to. Answer in complete sentences with quotes (when appropriate) from the text as support for your responses (include the paragraph number in a parenthetical citation after any quoted text--see the tab at the top of this website for the correct format of citations.). Not all questions need quotes. You determine when a quote would be good support for your response. After the questions, create a subhead for a second section of this Word document: Vocabulary. Type any unknown words--at least five (with their definitions; include parts of speech).

English III--"The World on the Turtle's Back" Text

“The World on the Turtle’s Back” Iroquois Myth 

In the beginning there was no world, no land, no creatures of the kind that are around us now, and there were no men. But there was a great ocean which occupied space as far as anyone could see. Above the ocean was a great void of air.

ENC1101--Guidelines for Compare/Contrast Analysis Essay on Angelou, Walker, and Hurston. Assigned October 3, 2023. Written version due at end of class on Oct. 3, 2023. Typed version due October 9, 2023.

ENC1101 Students Fall 2023:
You will handwrite this essay in class. Do not use your laptop computers or phones for any reason. You may use the notes you took during class discussions of these texts. By the end of class, you will turn in your handwritten version of your essay. Before turning in your handwritten version of the essay, take a picture of the pages so that you can use those pics for the final typed essay (see specific details below) due on October 9, 2023, at the beginning of class. If you do not have the final essay, you will earn a grade of zero. If you are late unexcused to class, you will also earn a grade of zero. If you are excused late to class because you had to print the essay, you will earn a grade of zero. You have plenty of time to print this essay. Plan to complete the assignment two days before it is due in case you encounter any difficulties. Thank you.

English III--Patrick Henry Assignment--"Speech in the Virginia Convention." Assigned October 3, 2023, in class. Due at the end of class.

Use the orange textbook on the bookshelf under the windows. Turn to page 262. Read this page completely to prepare for a difficult text. Especially read and take notes about rhetorical questions. One of the questions at the end of the text requires that you do the Reader's Notebook on page 262. 

ENC1101--FDR's First Inaugural Address (1933). Assignment posted on November 9, 2023. Assignment is due November 14, 2023.

Print out and annotate FDR's Speech. (You can also cut and paste the speech into a Word document, then print it out.) Highlight important sentences. When taking notes, refer to the post on this website, "How to Analyze and Evaluate an Argument." (See the Rubrics tab at the top of the website.) If there is not enough room for annotations on the printout, write notes in your binder. Indicate page numbers, paragraph numbers, and line numbers, as appropriate. Also, complete the "Shorter Analysis of a Text Activity": type the Shorter Analysis Activity. Keep an electronic document on your laptop computer for the entirety of the semester. Keep a printed-out document in your binder for the entirety of the semester. Use the correct MLA format. Avoid careless mistakes in spelling, title format, and grammar. Points will be taken off.

ENC1101--Research Paper (Synthesis Essay) on Tolerance. Assigned November 27, 2023. Due December 1, 2023.

The Song of Love, Rene Magritte (1948)

*Please read the note at the end of this post about resources (very important).


A central theme of this course is the need for Tolerance in American society. Review what we have read and discussed in this class. Write down key quotes and ideas that pertain to this theme. Use the MLA citation style. See information about in-text citations and Works Cited page citations on this website, or use Google to find examples of how to do these types of citations.

You may also use current (the past year) events in the United States to support your argument on the need for Tolerance in American society. Cite newspaper articles. Again, Google how to cite a newspaper article using MLA style (in-text citation style and Works Cited page style). Again, you may also refer to informational links posted on this website.

ENC1101--Sample Opening Paragraph for Research Paper on Tolerance Followed by Thoughts During the Writing Process and Ideas for Body of the Essay

Scholars: Below is a sample opening paragraph for a research paper that focuses on religious intolerance. Read the paragraph and then read about how I developed my ideas.