Thursday, August 17, 2023

English III--Read "Balboa," a short story in Unit One of the Electronic Textbook. Do the assignments specified in the post. Due September 5, 2023. Posted August 30, 2023.

Read "Balboa" in Unit 1 of the electronic textbook. Then create the following Word documents:

1. First Word document for the short story: Create nine questions and answers (see Important Reading Questions in the Canvas Information Module). Use these question types to generate your Reading Questions. You must type your questions and answers in an MLA-formatted Word document. Be sure your responses to the questions have textual support (quotes). Label a second section of this document, "Vocabulary." Type the definitions for all words that you do not know. You need to staple an Important Reading Questions checklist to the front of the document. Be sure you have reviewed each aspect on the checklist. If you do not have this list stapled to the front of this assignment, you will automatically lose points. If you simply check off items on the list without actually reviewing your work and correcting mistakes, you will lose points. To find this checklist, use the Search box in the upper left area of this website. Type in the search term: Important Reading Question Types checklist. Copy and paste the information into a Word document. Keep this file on your laptop, as you will use it throughout the term.

2. Second Word document for the short story: You must type annotations for all paragraphs longer than two sentences in an MLA-formatted Word document. Indicate the paragraph by beginning with the first three or four words in quotes, followed by your annotation. 

Remember, I could ask for you to upload any Word document produced in this class to Canvas on the day it is due or any day thereafter. Always save your Word document files on your laptop. (Label the file appropriately--see Class Rules.) In addition, always print out your documents and keep them in your binder. Bring your binder to every class. I could also ask for your assigned work at any time. If you do not have the work when I ask for it, you receive a grade of zero.