Sunday, August 11, 2024

Collaborative Essay Directions


  1. Meet with your partner in class and, if needed, in Google Chat, Google Meet, or Zoom. One of you, a facilitator, must set up the meetings and convey the information to your peers for the Google or Word document you can all collaborate on. You will also have time to work on this assignment in class.

  1. Create a progress timeline, decide how you will work together in writing this essay, and who will create a Google Document and pass on the information to the partner. Get your collaborators' emails and phone numbers. The essay should have input from all of you.

  2. Create a Google Document (or Word document) that you can work on together. Make sure all involved have access to the Google Document. The document you submit to me should be a Word Document (You will submit a printed-out copy in class on the due date. Late papers will not be accepted. Each of you should also have an electronic version of this essay on your laptop computer.)

  3. You all will submit a document with the names of the peers with whom you wrote the essay in the heading and header. In the heading, list all names of the collaborators (names will span across the page, separated by commas, not separate lines). Example of heading line--Samantha Smith, Jimmy Jones. An example of the header on each page (upper right corner--last names with page number): Smith/Jones 1. Sometimes you can work on this essay alone. 2. Sometimes your teacher will assign the classmates with whom you will be working.

  4. Your teacher will explain the assignment. Then you will meet in groups with your collaborators. Each group should decide who is the best individual to take the role of facilitator. The facilitator will write down the names of his/her peers working and which text(s) you are writing about. If you have the option to do the assignment alone, simply write your name and state you will be doing the essay by yourself.