When you watch a film in this class, you will usually have an activity to fulfill. This is one of those activities. On a lined piece of paper, write the following:
Film Response Activity [Center]
Your Name: Date:
Class and Period:
Name of Film:
I. Create ten questions and answers (be very specific). Your questions and answers should be complete sentences.
II. Write down and define at least six terms or words you heard in the film. Also consider writing down interesting things you learned, questions you have, or ideas this film made you think about. These terms, words, etc., can be those that you thought were important or had to look up. If you knew all the terms, words, etc., write down at least six items that you think peers may find difficult or thought-provoking.
Other Ideas for Notes within the Part II Section of this Film Response Activity: Bulleted points on what was best in the film, what could have been improved, sections that could be deleted, or sections that could be added. Section II of this activity aims to write at least six interesting notes that can be shared--your reflections on the film, terminology, or vocabulary, etc. As I always say, writing equals thinking equals remembering equals an increase in intelligence.
Remember also that the types of things you choose to write down for Section Two of this film activity will be different, depending upon the genre of the film--a movie vs. a documentary. For example, if you are watching a film, you might comment on the acting, characterization, dialogue, soundtrack, plot, setting, cinematography, etc. You would most likely not comment on these elements in a strict documentary.
Remember, you are required to do this activity if I tell you to. It could be collected at any time during the semester for a grade.