Thursday, August 17, 2023

ENC1101--Research Paper (Synthesis Essay) on Tolerance. Assigned November 27, 2023. Due December 1, 2023.

The Song of Love, Rene Magritte (1948)

*Please read the note at the end of this post about resources (very important).


A central theme of this course is the need for Tolerance in American society. Review what we have read and discussed in this class. Write down key quotes and ideas that pertain to this theme. Use the MLA citation style. See information about in-text citations and Works Cited page citations on this website, or use Google to find examples of how to do these types of citations.

You may also use current (the past year) events in the United States to support your argument on the need for Tolerance in American society. Cite newspaper articles. Again, Google how to cite a newspaper article using MLA style (in-text citation style and Works Cited page style). Again, you may also refer to informational links posted on this website.

A research paper is a "synthesis essay" because it blends ideas from many sources (most importantly your mind) to create a new whole--your great research paper. "Synthesize" means to combine.

Your research paper will be based on the ideas below.

Some of the following information is from the website

What is 'tolerance'?

The word "tolerance" is surely imperfect, yet the English language offers no single word that embraces the broad range of skills we need to live together peacefully.

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., used the Greek term "agape" to describe a universal love that "discovers the neighbor in every man it meets." The various disciplines concerned with human behavior have also offered a variety of adjectives: "pro-social," "democratic," and "affiliative."

Tolerance is respect, acceptance, and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, forms of expression, and ways of being human. Tolerance is harmony in difference.

We view tolerance as a way of thinking and feeling — but most importantly, of acting — that gives us peace in our individuality, respect for those unlike us, the wisdom to discern humane values and the courage to act upon them.


Write an essay (at least 3 pages long, with an additional Works Cited page) in which you discuss why it is important to encourage tolerance in American society. Be specific and focused in your discussion; choose only one type of tolerance for your argument. A short research paper should be limited in its subject, not broad. You should do research on your own, and you may also refer to texts we read in this class. If your thesis cannot be related to class readings, then you do not have to include class readings, but be sure to have at least three internal text citations (references to articles, etc., that you have researched) and corresponding Works Cited page citations. So many American writers have written wonderful essays with the theme of tolerance. Ms. Castelli's website guide is full of great ideas. 

Refer to the tab at the top of this website for guidance in writing your MLA-style Research Paper and guidance in format--in-text citations, Works Cited page format, etc.

You may also refer to an experience (class-appropriate) in your own life or the lives of others you know (very briefly). You may link what you have learned in this class to readings/ideas from other classes that remind you of this theme--American History class, for example.

The end of your paper should include addressing these issues: How do you practice tolerance? How can you encourage others to be tolerant, to fight hate, and to respect diversity? Why is tolerance such an important American principle?

Very Important: Do not plagiarize. It is a serious academic offense with significant repercussions. Read the post on Understanding Plagiarism on this website.

About Resources (texts you cite): This is a scholarly paper. The following are not considered appropriate resources (citations) for a research paper--any encyclopedia, Wikipedia, the dictionary, or single random quotes. You must cite essays, professional journals, newspapers, magazines, databases, etc. If you have any questions, consult Ms. Castelli, our excellent media specialist. Remember, any quotes in your paper must be very short--words, phrases, a single sentence. The heart of the paper is your voice, your words, your ideas, your argument, and your elaboration.

You may do this paper on your own or with one peer. You need to write down on a paper (see me) by the end of this period whether you are writing this paper on your own or in collaboration with a peer. If you write this paper with a peer, see the post on collaborative essays. You should also staple appropriate rubrics (see the top of this website) to the front of your paper when you turn it in.

You have several rubrics to choose from. Choose two. One should be the rubric for a research paper. One should be a rubric on argumentative writing.