Thursday, August 17, 2023

ENC1101--FDR's First Inaugural Address (1933). Assignment posted on November 9, 2023. Assignment is due November 14, 2023.

Print out and annotate FDR's Speech. (You can also cut and paste the speech into a Word document, then print it out.) Highlight important sentences. When taking notes, refer to the post on this website, "How to Analyze and Evaluate an Argument." (See the Rubrics tab at the top of the website.) If there is not enough room for annotations on the printout, write notes in your binder. Indicate page numbers, paragraph numbers, and line numbers, as appropriate. Also, complete the "Shorter Analysis of a Text Activity": type the Shorter Analysis Activity. Keep an electronic document on your laptop computer for the entirety of the semester. Keep a printed-out document in your binder for the entirety of the semester. Use the correct MLA format. Avoid careless mistakes in spelling, title format, and grammar. Points will be taken off.

Always remember to research some biographical facts about the author as well as the important events that were going on in America and the world. Context is so important in understanding a text. Add these findings to your notes.

Link for PDF of Text

Print out the text. Write your annotations on the printed PDF. Keep this document in your binder for the entirety of the semester   

How to Annotate a Text

Additional Ways to Take Notes 

Taking Notes if the Reading Assignment is Fiction 

For Ideas on How to Summarize (Useful for Fiction and Nonfiction)