Wednesday, January 15, 2020

ENC1101: Analyzing a Text, Paragraph by Paragraph or Section by Section

For all of the questions below, always cite specific words and phrases. Also cite paragraph numbers or sections (lines).

* What is the author’s theme/message/argument and how is this reinforced by elements within the paragraph/section? Cite specific words and phrases.
* What is the author’s purpose in this paragraph/section and how does he reveal that?
* What is the author’s tone in this paragraph/section and how does that tone reinforce his theme/message/argument?
* Is the author establishing ethos? In what way? Describe the ethos he is establishing. How and why is this effective in persuading his audience?
* Does the author use logos or pathos? If so, where specifically? How are those particular uses of logos or pathos effective or persuasive?
* What is the subtext of this paragraph/section (what is the author trying to convey beneath the surface of his sentences)? How does the subtext reinforce his overall purpose or theme?
* What is the function of this paragraph/section? How does this paragraph/section reinforce or compare/contrast with the paragraph/section that came before or comes after this paragraph/section? How/why is the function of the paragraph/section important?
* Does the author use loaded language? Where? Cite examples. How is this loaded language effective?
* How does the writing style of the paragraph/section contribute to the effect on the audience? Why is it effective?
* Does the author use any figurative language? Give examples. How and why is the language effective?
* Is the author establishing background or context? Why is this important?
* How does the pace (rhythm and length of sentences) contribute to the mood/message? How and why is the pace effective?
* How is the beginning and end of the paragraph/section effective? Why?
* Does the author make allusions in this paragraph/section? How and why are those particular allusions effective?
* Does the author present a shift (change in any way—tone, subject, style, pace, rhetorical mode, etc.)? How and why is this effective?
* What is the rhetorical mode of this particular paragraph/section? Why does the author choose to use this rhetorical mode? How and why is this rhetorical mode effective?
* How is the organization of paragraphs/sections effective? Elaborate. Be specific.