Thursday, August 17, 2023

ENC1102--Flannery O'Connor Links: Assigned on January 23, 2024. Due on January 29, 2024. Late Work is Never Accepted.

Print out, read, and annotate the following article--"The Nature and Aim of Fiction.” ( For this reading, you can handwrite annotations on the article itself or take notes, indicating paragraph numbers. Upload a picture of your annotated text to your laptop computer.

Print out, read, and annotate the following story. Be prepared for a possible quiz: For this reading, follow the directions below:

Specific Directions for the Short Story "A Good Man is Hard to Find": Read and annotate (all big paragraphs-paragraphs more than two sentences long), and create nine important reading questions (see Canvas Information Module) with answers for the selection. Your questions should be high-level and based exactly on the questions in the Canvas Information Module (not random questions you create). Here is also a link for the Important Reading Question Types on this website (do Exercise Two): Also, be sure the responses to the questions you create have textual support (quotes). In addition, your Important Reading Questions assignments should always have a second part--Vocabulary. In this assignment section, define at least five words you do not know or words you think some peers may find challenging. Include the part of speech, a definition, and a sample sentence you created with the word underlined. Stapled to the front of this assignment should be an Important Reading Questions assignment checklist. (Use the Search box at the top left of this website. Type "Important Reading Question Types Checklist." Copy and paste this document into a Word document. You can print it out for every assignment once you do this.) You will lose points if you do not include this document.

Be sure your annotations are elaborative and substantive. You must type your Important Reading Questions assignment in an MLA-formatted document.

How to Annotate a Text 


Information about MLA format is on this website. 

Please note: You must have electronic versions on your laptop computer and printed-out versions (in your binder) for the entirety of the semester (Important Reading Questions, Annotations. If you like, you may write the annotations onto a printed-out document. Be sure to upload a picture of your annotated text to your laptop computer). Any of these assignments could be collected at any time (even beyond the due date) If you do not have the assignments when I collect them, you earn a grade of zero. If you write your annotations for a text on a lined paper, indicate the paragraph by beginning with the first three or four words in quotes, followed by your annotation. I could ask you to upload any document on the due date, or I could collect the hard copy. Always save your work. 

Look up and memorize all the words you do not know. Write the definitions down.