Thursday, August 17, 2023

ENC1101--Alabama Clergymen's Letter to MLK. Read this letter before doing assignment for Friday, Dec. 1, 2023. King addresses the arguments of the clergymen in this open letter. Notice how and where he uses their arguments and words to make his points.

Read this text from the Alabama clergymen who elicited a response from MLK in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail." Take notes on their main points/arguments, as this will help you better understand King's text and his refutations of their assertions. As you read "Letter from Birmingham Jail," consider how King skillfully addresses the arguments of the clergymen.

Remember, unless I tell you otherwise, you do not need an MLA heading for notes in your binder. You should, however, label and date all activities in your binder.

You need only read the letter from the clergymen in this pdf. (If you choose to print the clergymen's letter, cut and paste just that letter into a Word document and print.) A link to the text of MLK's letter is in another post or was handed out in class. You may choose to print out the clergymen's letter and MLK's text together using the link below.

Remember, any activity I ask you to do could be checked at any time during the semester for a grade. If you do not have the assignment, you earn a grade of zero.