Thursday, August 17, 2023

ENC1102--"A&P" Short Story Assignment. Due March 15, 2024. Assignment was posted on February 29, 2024. Also remember the other assignments that were given verbally and written on the whiteboard. In addition, you received handouts of the due dates for those assignments on February 29 or March 1.

Read and annotate the text, as well as complete the usual assignment of a Word document for important reading questions (Canvas) and answers (with vocabulary). You should also, as usual, have a Word document for the annotations or a printed-out copy of the story annotated.

As usual, you are expected to have both printed-out copies of the documents (important reading questions and annotations) in your binder and electronic copies on your laptop. You should have all these documents for the entirety of the semester. I could collect or check any document at any time for a grade. If you would like, you may take a picture of your annotated story and upload that to your laptop.

The above link includes other texts as well: "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," "The Story of an Hour," and "Girl." You are not required to read these texts  (we may or may not read them--I will let you know)

How to Annotate a Text 

See these links: