Thursday, August 17, 2023

English III--"The Lowest Animal" by Mark Twain. Assignment given on February 8, 2024. Assignment is due on February 12, 2024. Assignment should be kept in your binder for the entirety of the semester and could be collected at ANY time, not just the due date.

Please neatly handwrite this assignment using MLA format. Use correct capitalization, title format, and subtitle format. Points will be taken off for any mistakes in MLA format or careless grammatical and spelling errors. You can find this reading selection in the electronic textbook, Unit 5.

Read, annotate (at least 12 annotations), and create the nine important reading questions (see Canvas) with answers for "The Lowest Animal."  Your annotations need not be long, but they should be substantive (not random). If you do not know how to annotate, see below. Google: The Lowest Animal PDF Mark Twain. Print out the PDF. Write your annotations on the actual document. Keep your annotated document in your binder for the entirety of the semester. No exceptions.

Look up and memorize all the words you do not know. Write the definitions down. (Include a section titled Vocabulary within your document.)

Also, be sure the responses to the questions you create have textual support (quotes). Include parenthetical citations for the page, paragraph, or line where you found the quote.

Keep this assignment in your binder for the entirety of the semester. No exceptions.

How to Annotate a Text

Additional Ways to Take Notes 

Taking Notes if the Reading Assignment is Fiction 

For Ideas on How to Summarize (Useful for Fiction and Nonfiction)

If you are unable to print the text, please read it on an electronic device. Make sure you have copious notes in your binder (indicate page numbers, paragraphs, line numbers) when referring to different sections. Of course, it is preferable to have a printed copy of the text.