Thursday, August 17, 2023

ENC1102--"Young Goodman Brown." Read and annotate the text. Posted January 23, 2024. Due January 31, 2024.

Print out and annotate the following story by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Highlight important sentences. If there is not enough room for annotations on the printout, write or type your notes in an MLA-formatted document, which you keep in your binder. Be able to explain how literary techniques (organization of plot, climactic moments, details, characterization, dialogue, imagery, mood/tone, shifts, setting, figurative language, connotations of diction, theme, similes, metaphors, etc.) contribute to this text. Indicate page numbers, paragraph numbers, and line numbers, as appropriate. Then do the "Shorter Analysis Activity" in an MLA-formatted document with numbered and titled sections: 

You should have a printed-out copy of the Analysis of Text activity in your binder and an electronic copy on your laptop computer. Take a picture of your annotated text and upload it to your computer.