Thursday, August 17, 2023

ENC1101--Texts by Hurston, Walker, and Angelou: See Due Dates Next to Each Link. Late Work is Never Accepted. (Posted August 21, 2023.)

Create a Reading Questions (with answers) Word document for all three essays in the links below. Example of centered title within the Word document: Questions on Hurston Essay. (no ital., no underline, no bold, same size font as rest of text)

Create an Annotations Word document for all three essays in the links belowExample of centered title within the Word document: Annotations for Hurston Essay. (no ital., no underline, no bold, same size font as rest of text)

The format for naming every Word file is: LastNameFirstName__Assignment Title__Name of Course__Period #.

Specific Directions for creation of Word documents for each essay (total of six documents--two per reading selection)

1. First Word document for each essay: Create nine questions and answers (see Important Reading Questions in the Canvas Information Module). You must type your questions and answers in an MLA-formatted Word document. Be sure your responses to the questions have textual support (quotes). Label a second section of this document "Vocabulary." Type the definitions for at least five words that you do not know or words that you think some peers may find difficult. Staple an Important Reading Questions checklist to the front of this assignment. Make sure to review and mark off the elements on the checklist as completed. You will have points taken off automatically if you do not have the checklist. (Use the Search box at the top left of this website. Type "Important Reading Question Types Checklist." Copy and paste this document into a Word document. You will be able to print it out for every assignment once you do this.)

2. Second Word document for each essay: You must type annotations for all paragraphs longer than two sentences in an MLA-formatted Word document. (Of course, you must always handwrite your annotations first--highlighting and writing notes in the margins. Don't forget this step, as I could ask to see the handwritten annotations with highlights on the actual document at any time.) In your typed annotations document, indicate the paragraph by beginning with the first three or four words in quotes followed by your annotation. 

Remember, I could ask for you to upload any Word document produced in this class to Canvas on the day it is due or any day thereafter (for the entire semester). Always save your Word document files on your laptop. (Label the file appropriately.) In addition, always print out your documents and keep them in your binder. Bring your binder to every class. I could also ask for you to turn in the printed-out assignments at any time. If you do not have the work when I ask for it, you receive a grade of zero.

Keep electronic versions of your document on your laptop computer for the entirety of the semester. Keep your printed-out documents in your binder for the entirety of the semester. Assignments could be collected at any time, not just the due date.

The Essay Readings and Assignments:

We may not read/discuss all of these texts; nevertheless, you are required to read and annotate each one of them, as well as create questions and answers for each one. This is a college class. Often, professors assign readings that are not discussed in class. Often, professors assign work that is not graded. If I ask you to submit any of this work to Canvas or if I ask for any printed-out Word documents, points will be taken off for mistakes in MLA format and mistakes in grammar. The quality of your work matters as well. 

You are required to bring your laptop and binder to every class.