Wednesday, March 2, 2022

ENC1101--"Self-Reliance." Assignment due March 8, 2022. Assignment posted on March 2, 2022.

(The PDF includes an essay entitled "Nature." This essay is not required reading.)

This assignment is different from previous assignments on the readings. Follow these directions carefully. An annotations document is not required.

Do all of the following for the text "Self-Reliance." (You will need to use Google to research biography and historical context). The eight items below should be in one Word document (electronic version on your laptop computer and printed-out text in your binder--for the entirety of the semester; could be collected at any time). Your printed-out text must be readable. Points will be taken off for poor ink quality. You have plenty of time to find a good printer.
  1. Information about the author--a few sentences. (Use Google.)
  2. The historical context of the text. What was going on historically at the time the text was written? Google the date of the text. Then google the time period. For example, "Important historical events in 1841 America" (year text published). (a few sentences)
  3. A quick summary of the text (a paragraph or two; paragraphs should be at least seven sentences).
  4. The main argument or arguments (approximately three, but will vary depending on the text).
  5. An explanation of the structure/organization of the text and why it is effective (one paragraph).
  6. Examples of effective rhetoric (at least three). Explain why effective. (a few sentences of elaboration/effectiveness for each example)
  7. Three connections (synthesis) to events happening today in America and/or around the world. (three sentences)
  8. Create five questions about the text (as if you were a teacher--choose question types from Important Reading Questions on Canvas). Also include the answers. If an "opinion" question, state your own opinion. Answers need only be a sentence or two. Provide textual support.