Friday, March 9, 2018

Rubric for an Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay Rubric
  • Your essay should have a strong definitive thesis statement.
  • Your essay should have at least five excellent examples to support your argument.
  • The examples should be Detailed, Accurate, Relevant, Explicit, and Specific. (DARES)
  • To access good examples in your mind, you might consider the mnemonic device that I created: "Let MHave Some Apple Pie Pretty Please." L stands for Literature; M stands for Media (current events); H stands for History; S stands for Science or Social Studies; A stands for the Arts; P stands for Psychology; P stands for Politics; P stands for Personal experience or observation. You have so many good pieces of information stored in your head!  The mnemonic device is a way to focus and ask yourself, "What do I know in each of these categories that could be used as an example for this prompt?"  Of course, you have to decide whether the categories are relevant for the prompt; they may not be.)  Use this technique for any essay that you write (SAT, ACT, etc.).
  • It is very important that you include explanatory sentences that "bring your discussion back" to the idea of the prompt and/or your argument. So often students provide what could be great examples but they lose sight of the prompt and get "off track." As a result, the example begins to sound like a digression, or it just "falls flat": the point being made is vague and unclear to the reader. Remember, you need to be explicit; the reader can't see into your mindYou may know what you are saying, but the reader has to see in words exactly what your thoughts are. Always anchor your discussion in the essential ideas of the prompt. Your thesis and the prompt should lead your discussion at all times. Remind yourself of this fact with every sentence that you write.
  • Don't fall into the trap of faulty reasoning--overgeneralization, oversimplification, stating the obvious, too great a stretch in your thinking. Remember the world is not all black and white; there are always shades of gray. Your essay should demonstrate sound, logical reasoning, as well as provide clear explanations of how the examples support your argument/thesis.
  • Your voice should be strong and clear.
  • Your essay should demonstrate solid critical thinking skills.
  • If you are responding to an argumentative essay, you should "have a conversation" with the points that the author is making. You should quote key ideas that the author is making and respond to them, either agreeing or disagree, but always providing support for your point of view.
  • Never, ever simply summarize an essay to which you are responding. 
  • Do not analyze the author's use of rhetoric in an essay. Respond to points an author is making. Provide counterclaims. You may agree with some points and disagree with others. Explain why.
  • Overall, your argument should be well reasoned, well supported, and convincing.