Tuesday, October 18, 2016

English IV--Technology Research Paper

Due: December 13, 2016

What, in your opinion, are the positive and negative consequences/effects of technological advancements? What future technological advancements can you imagine? What positive and negative effects can you envision for the upcoming changes in technology? Support all of your claims/opinions with facts collected through research. Refer to Ms. Rohrbach's excellent Media Center website for assistance:


Your paper should follow the MLA format (google "sample research paper") or see the link on this page or the resources on Ms. Rohrbach's site for help. The essay should include at least four in-text citations (small quotes with page numbers) and a Works Cited page. Again, the information for how to format a research paper is readily available on this website, Ms. Rohrbach's site, and throughout the Internet.

Your paper should be at least four pages in length (to the bottom) for the essay itself, and it should also include an additional Works Cited page.

MLA formatting is very important. Do it correctly if you want to get a good grade.