Wednesday, August 14, 2019

ENC1101--Learn and Study These Additional Rhetorical and Grammar Terms

Look up the following terms using Google. Find examples. Write down the definitions and at least one example for each item. If you are confused and need more clarification, make a note in your binder to ask me during class. (We may have discussed these terms before or you may have defined them already, but repetition is the mother of memory.)
  1. satire
  2. voice
  3. context
  4. complex diction
  5. inflection (grammar)
  6. motif
  7. pun
  8. aphorism
  9. idiom
  10. hyperbole
  11. euphemism
  12. jargon
  13. oxymoron
  14. understatement
  15. illusion vs. allusion
  16. paradox
  17. semantics
  18. fragment (grammar)
  19. simple sentence (grammar)
  20. compound sentence (grammar)
  21. complex sentence (grammar)
  22. inverted sentence (grammar)
  23. dialect
  24. bombast
  25. circumlocution
  26. figurative language