Sunday, January 5, 2014

Freshman English Syllabus

English I

Mr. James Mulhern

McDougal Littell: The Language of Literature
Supplemental resources: classic novels, Internet Resource sites, newspapers, and teacher handouts

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide in-depth, enriched integrated educational experiences in the language arts strands of reading, writing, listening, viewing, speaking, language, and literature.

The content will include, but is not be limited to, the following:
·     using reading strategies to construct meaning from informative, technical, and literary texts
·     acquiring an extensive vocabulary through reading, discussion, listening, and systematic word study
·     using process-writing strategies, student inquiry, and self-monitoring techniques
·     using speaking, listening, and viewing strategies in formal presentations and informal discussions
·     understanding and responding to a variety of literary forms
·     understanding and using language successfully to impact readers, writers, listeners, speakers, and viewers

After successfully completing this course, the student will:

1. Use reading strategies effectively to construct meaning from a range of technical, informative, and literary texts.

2. Use process-writing strategies effectively to meet the needs of a variety of audiences, writers, and types of information being communicated.

3. Select and use appropriate speaking, listening, and viewing skills to clarify and interpret meaning in both formal and informal situations.

4. Understand the common features of a variety of literary forms.

5. Respond critically and aesthetically to literature.

6. Demonstrate understanding and use of appropriate language for effective visual, oral, and written communication.

7. Select and use a variety of electronic media to create, revise, retrieve, and verify information.

8. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of mass media and the regulations that govern its use.

Broward County Grading Scale/Teacher Grading Policy:

                        90% - 100% = A
                        87% -  89%  = B+
                        80% -  86%  = B
                        77% -  79%  = C+
                        70% -  76%  = C
                        67% -  69%  = D+
                        60% -  66%  = D
                        0%   -  59%  = F

Students’ grades will be based on homework, projects, writing (formal and informal), oral presentations, quizzes, classroom participation, tests, midterm and final exams, and various demonstrations of mastery.

Course Outline

Unit One

Literature:        Miscellaneous short stories and poems from textbook and various sources  

Writing:           The writing process--essays and creative writing

Project:            Creative writing to be presented orally and in writing

Grammar:        Variety of assignments/assessment in grammar, usage and mechanics


Unit Two

Literature:        Various Myths and Legends from around the world, and The Odyssey

Writing:           The writing process—essays and creative writing

Project:            Research and creation of a myth

Grammar:        Variety of assignments/assessment in grammar, usage and mechanics

Midterm Exam:  The midterm will be cumulative from the first and second units. 

Unit Three

Drama:            The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

Writing:           Writing for Assessment, Response to Drama

Project:            Student choice (diorama, skit, stage design) any demonstration that shows mastery of the understanding of theme, character, plot, setting of the play
Grammar:        Variety of assignments/assessment in grammar, usage, and mechanics

Unit Four

Literature:        Miscellaneous short stories and poems from textbook and various sources  
Writing:           Research techniques, tools, and MLA documentation

Project:            Research Paper on a theme from the readings during the course using MLA style

Grammar:        Variety of assignments/assessments in grammar, usage, and mechanics; MLA style

Final Exam:  The final examination will be cumulative for the third and fourth units. 

Materials Needed:

Three-ring binder
Ballpoint pens (blue or black only)
White loose-leaf paper
Writing Journal

Attendance/Field Trip Policies observed as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.