Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Freshman English--Stay Current on Reading and Note Taking for To Kill a Mockingbird


As we discussed in class, you should be taking copious notes on To Kill a Mockingbird.  As of January 29, you should have completed Chapter 14.  By next Monday, February 3, you should have read through at least page 230.

You should have at least one paragraph of notes for each chapter, and at least one quotation with a brief explanation as to why you chose it.  You should also keep in mind, as we discussed several times, that you will have to write a Research Paper later in the term on the theme of Tolerance.  Therefore, as you read, be mindful of scenes, characters, and quotes that exemplify both Tolerance and Intolerance.  In the margins of your notes, write "T" for a Tolerance-related note, and "INT" for an Intolerance-related note.  When you write a Research Paper advocating the importance of Tolerance, you want specific examples of both so that your discussion will be interesting and engaging.

Remember what we discussed about "chunking" (read at least ten pages a day) and avoiding procrastination.  

Also refer to the blog post (which you copied or printed out) on how to take notes on fiction.