Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Freshman English and AP English--MLA (Modern Language Association) Format

At the First Clear Word, Max Ernst (1923)

Whether you are turning in a handwritten assignment or one that is typed, follow the MLA format. See the link at the bottom of this post.

Titles of longer works (books, plays, movies, magazines) are underlined or italicized.

Titles of shorter works (essays, poems, newspaper or magazine articles) are placed within quotation marks.

Center your title. Do not bold it or underline it (of course, underline or italicize the title of a longer work if it is part of the title of your assignment). 


Analysis of "Rituals of Memory"

Analysis of The Scarlet Letter

Your entire paper (if typed) should be double spaced, with no extra space between the header information on the left-hand side of the page or the title. Do not add extra space between the title of your paper and the body of the essay. 


If you are curious what the Modern Language Association (MLA) is, click on the following link:
