Thursday, March 16, 2017

FSA Reading Question Types

(Information from Florida DOE website)

Hot Text items require the student to either click on a response option or drag a response option to another location. In the drag-a-response option, the student may be given five possible responses, for example. The student then must click on and drag one or more responses to a space in a chart, list, or graphic organizer. Hot Text items may also require students to select/highlight details from a text (words, phrases, or sentences). Some Hot Text items are two part. For example, Part A asks the student, "Which is a theme of the passage?" and Part B asks the student, "Which detail supports the development of the theme in Part A?"


1. Character A’s view of Character B
changes during the course of the
text. Select a detail from the text
that supports this conclusion.

2. Part A: How does the main character
change from the beginning of the
text to the end?
Part B: Provide a detail from the text that
supports this conclusion.

Multiple-Choice items require students to select a single answer option (A, B, C, or D).


1. What is a theme of the passage?

Multi-Select items allow students to select more than one answer option. These are different from multiple-choice items, which allow students to select only one response. Multi-Select items may also require the student to select/highlight multiple pieces of textual evidence.


1. Select two details that advance
the argument that _____.

Open-Response Items require students to use the keyboard to enter the response into a text field (box). Different types of open-response items may appear on the test.


1. Identify a central idea of the text.
Then, explain how the author uses
details to develop this central idea.

See the following link for a Quick Guide to the tests. Page 12 in the link describes and gives visuals of the item types listed above: