Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Narrative Essay Rubric

         The Peer Editing Rubric below may provide ideas.

  • First and foremost, is the narrative essay a true story?  Is the narrative essay a fresh, new, original piece of writing, and not a recycled former assignment?  If not, it does not meet the requirements for this assignment.
  • Does the Narrative Essay have an authentic “story” feel?  You should feel like you are reading a good story.
  • Does the essay have an effective opening, a complication, and a resolution? 
  • Is there tension, conflict, or change within the narrative?  All good narratives contain these elements.
  • Does the essay have a “narrative effect,” the payoff in narration (emotional impact; an epiphany or revelation)?
  • Does the narrative essay include the elements of fiction—setting, characterization, description, dialogue, and scene?  This does not mean the writer should make things up, but rather the writer should effectively dramatize actual events. 
  • Is there an implicit purpose in the essay?  The reader should have a good sense of what the writer is trying to convey.  The reader should feel that the essay is worth reading.
  • Which parts of the essay need more elaboration?
  • Which parts of the essay could be omitted?
  • Is the essay focused and specific, rather than too broad or too general?  In other words, does the writer try to cover too much material or digress?
  • Are there sections of the essay that are confusing or vague?  Point them out.
  • Does the essay raise questions in the reader’s mind that he/she wants answered?  Ask your peer those questions.  Your questions will help enrich the final draft.
  • Did you learn something new by reading this essay?
  • What are the overall strengths and weaknesses of the essay?
  • Line edit the essay for mistakes in spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.  Suggest ideas for reworking sections, or rewording sentences.  Was the MLA format used correctly?  If not, fix.
  • Always be respectful as you offer advice.