Active Reading Questions

1.  What is the main point of the paragraph I just read?

2.  Which details in this paragraph seem most important?  Why?

3.  Which words don't I know?  What are my guesses about the meanings of those words?

4.  What do I think will happen next in this reading selection?

5.  What are the most important ideas in the page that I just read?  Why?

6.  Which parts of this selection do I like best?  Why?

7.  What type of mood (emotional quality) does this reading
     selection create?  Which specific words add to this mood?

8.  What is the purpose of the reading selection?

9.  Is the writer trying to persuade me of anything? 

10.  Can I think of another reading selection to compare with this
        reading selection?  In what ways is it similar?

11.  Does this reading selection remind me of anything in my own experience?

12.  Now that I'm done reading the whole selection, what do I think are three main points?