Monday, April 23, 2018

Presidential Oratory and Rhetoric

  • Improve application, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis skills.
  • Recognize rhetorical techniques and their effects.
  • Develop argumentation skills through the study of models.
  • Recognize differences in language and style over time.
  • Discover common themes/ideas/subjects in presidential rhetoric.
  • Learn American history through presidential biography and oratory.
  • Improve speaking, listening, writing, and presentation skills.

Reflection Activity:
  • Explain what you have learned about the power of persuasive writing, rhetorical techniques, and the similarities and differences among the speeches we have read. 
  • Why is presidential rhetoric so important, especially today?
  • What have you learned about American ideals through your engagement with the literature? How have those values changed and/or remained the same over time?
  • What techniques can you use to improve your own writing?