Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Hi Scholars,

I hope you all are well. I wanted to give you a heads-up. I will be asking for some type of response to readings for the week of April 20 and for the week of April 27, so try not to procrastinate.
Please continue to do all the readings. Be sure to check this website twice daily. Especially important--Be sure to check Canvas the morning of April 29 for a final assignment due by the end of that day (very manageable and doable in that time frame). 

You are required do check this website twice daily until the end of the year, even when we transition to a Study Hall (which is two weeks away). Thank you.

ENC1101: Be sure to complete MyLabsPlus by the date indicated on that platform. You do not want a poor grade to affect your overall grade. I see many students have not completed assigned modules. Remember, the grade you currently see posted may not reflect your final grade. The MyLabsPlus coordinator will insert grades of zero for each module not completed by the deadline, which could mean you fail this assignment. Your failing this assignment might lead to your earning less than a C in the course (no college credit). I will not be able to do anything about the grade you earn. The grades are sent to me and to the dean. Please complete all work by the deadline--see the final date for completion of work posted on the MyLabsPlus site.