Thursday, December 19, 2019

ENC1101--Walker's "Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self"

Print out and staple for class discussion. Read and annotate.  

ENC1102: "The Life You Say May Be Your Own" Short Story PDF

Print out the short story after clicking on the link. Then read and annotate/take notes on the selection. Be prepared for class discussion and a possible quiz.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Analysis of an Argumentative Essay Scoring Rubric

Analysis Essay Scoring Rubric
(adapted from the College Board Rubric)

An (would score 22-24 points on the SAT) essay consistently meets all the criteria below.
B/C (would score 18-21 points on the SAT) essay mostly meets all the criteria below.
D/F (would score 16 or below on the SAT) essay seldom meets all the criteria below.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Peer Editing of Essays

Use the following points to assist you in writing comments on your peer's essay. You are an editor, making certain that the text before you is excellent.

Check that

  • the essay is in MLA format--proper heading and header (name and page number in the right corner), one-inch margins, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman (or Arial or Courier) font.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Analyzing a Text Paragraph by Paragraph--Questions to Consider

For all of the questions below, always cite specific words and phrases.

·    What is the author’s theme/message/argument and how is this reinforced by elements within the paragraph? Cite specific words and phrases.
·    What is the author’s purpose in this paragraph and how does he reveal that?
·    What is the author’s tone in this paragraph and how does that tone reinforce his theme/message/argument?

Friday, September 20, 2019

An Editing Checklist

  • Did the writer use proper MLA format--double-spaced heading; header in same font and size as essay text; centered title--12 pt., no bold, quotation marks, or underlined?

Compare/Contrast Essay Rubric

  • Is the essay interesting?! Does the writer seem interested in his/her subject? Are you interested in the subject? Is the essay fresh, new, and original?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Additional Elements of Assessment on the Writing and Language
Section of the SAT

To prepare for the Writing and Language section of the SAT, research the following phrases on the Internet. Read, take notes, write down examples, study, and periodically review.

·      Commas with a list; serial comma usage
·      Non-essential and essential clause

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

New SAT Essay Scoring Rubric (2016) for Use in the Classroom

New SAT Essay Scoring Rubric (2016) for Use in the Classroom
(adapted from the College Board Rubric)

An A (would score 22-24 points on the SAT) essay consistently meets all the criteria below.
A B/C (would score 18-21 points on the SAT) essay mostly meets all the criteria below.
A D/F (would score 16 or below on the SAT) essay seldom meets all the criteria below.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

ENC1101--Learn and Study These Additional Rhetorical and Grammar Terms

Look up the following terms using Google. Find examples. Write down the definitions and at least one example for each item. If you are confused and need more clarification, make a note in your binder to ask me during class. (We may have discussed these terms before or you may have defined them already, but repetition is the mother of memory.)

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Short Story Presentation Rubric

Short Story Presentation Rubric

Student Names:

1=lowest score; 5=highest score

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Short Story Presentation

Key Objectives

Identifying Critical Information
Examining Similarities and Differences

You will engage the class in a discussion/presentation of the short story assigned to you.  As you do the tasks below, also think of questions to ask your peers, including excerpts to read aloud. Your peers should have a thorough understanding of the story by the time you complete your presentation. Expect to answer questions. You may also consider adding some creative activity (other than what is listed below).

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Grammar Pitfalls

  1. Using an incompatible subject and verb: Jacob's talent in English and Science prove he is a scholar.
  2. Shifting verb tenses: She gives me a birthday present and sang.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

ENC1101-- "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

Click this link to print out a copy of MLK's famous letter. You will annotate this text during class discussion.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Writing Rules to Live By

Writing Rules to Live By

1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding 's: Paul's friend.
2. In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term, including a comma before the "and": red, white, and blue

ENC1102 -- Poetry Unit

  • See post on this website, "Poetry Explication." Copy and paste into a Word document, print, and keep in your binder.
  • Read pages 169-190, "Writing about Poems." Take copious notes in your binder.
  • Read and take notes on the following poems. Keep the notes in your binder: "Those Winter Sundays" (384), "My Papa's Waltz" (385), "Let me not to the marriage of two minds" (516), "Bright Star" (517), "How Do I Love Thee" (518), "Tell all the truth but tell it slant" (736), "Much madness is divinest Sense" (736), "Incident" (894), "What Work Is" (900), "Punishment" (905), "When Death Comes" (1115), "Death Be Not Proud" (1117), "Because I could not stop for death" (1119). 
Poetry Link:

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

ENC1101 -- Compare and Contrast Essay Due February 13th

We have read and discussed narrative essays from individuals with varied backgrounds. Write an essay in which you compare and contrast the life experiences of the individuals. How were their life experiences similar and different? What lessons and insights did they gain from their histories? How were the authors changed by events in their lives? In what ways were their insights and changes similar or different? Choose any two essays to compare and contrast.

Format: Typed, MLA format, 12 point font, one-inch margins, literary present tense, two double-spaced pages (to the bottom margin of second page) 

Monday, January 7, 2019

ENC1101 Spring 2019 Syllabus


  SPRING 2019                                        Instructor: James Mulhern

Email:  Please do not email assignments to me.  You must give all assignments to me in hard-copy form.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sample ENC1101 Syllabus


 English Composition I

 Instructor: James Mulhern

Email:  Please do not email assignments to me.  You must give all assignments to me in hard-copy form.