Wednesday, August 17, 2022

ENC1101 and ENC1102--First Analysis Essay. Assigned February 10, 2023. Due February 13, 2023. No late work accepted. If unexcused late to class, I cannot accept your essay. You earn a grade of zero.

Please read this post closely and carefully. ENC1101 and ENC1102 have two different texts students will analyze to compose essays. Be sure you analyze the correct selection. If you analyze the wrong selection, you will earn a grade of zero.


Prompt for both classes: How does the author effectively convey his/her message and/or purpose in the text? Cite specific rhetorical devices used and their effects (be detailed and not general). You must include small quotations to support your analysis (words, phrases, or at most a quotation one sentence in length). How and why do the particular words you include support the writer's message or purpose? Be specific.


You must type your essay in MLA format. See the rubric links below to check your work. As always, you should have a printed-out copy of your work to turn in and an electronic copy on your laptop computer. If you do not have the essay printed out at the beginning of class, you earn a grade of zero. If you come late to class unexcused, you earn a grade of zero. I will not accept a pass from anyone if it turns out you were printing your essay (even if excused). If you are absent unexcused, I will not accept your essay. You earn a grade of zero. Prepare in advance.

Do not use any outside sources. I will check with a plagiarism program Broward College has provided. The essay should be strictly your ideas and analysis.

The length of your essay should be two pages to the bottom, double-spaced, in MLA format. Points will be taken off for mistakes in MLA format and grammar.

ENC1101 Text:,can%20devote%20to%20any%20individual

ENC1102 Text

Useful Link:

Cut and paste the checklists/rubrics below into Word documents. Then print out the checklists. Do this whenever you use one of the rubrics on the website. Remember: The checklists/rubrics are always for you to utilize; they are not for me. Thank you.

Proofreading Checklist (Staple to the front of your essay. If not stapled to the front of your essay, points will be taken off. You also must actually check the elements listed and indicate so on the sheet):

On Writing the Analysis Essay: