Wednesday, March 25, 2020

ENC1101 and ENC1102: Reminders and Clarifications

I have been getting emails for clarification. 

For Clarity:

Work on anything from March 14 onward (obviously, you should have already completed the previous work). The Research Paper (your main focus as of today) should be uploaded to Canvas on April 6 (not before; not after). Type all assignments. ENC1101: Remember, you are also responsible for MyLabsPlus. Adhere to the deadlines on that site.

As you know, you are required to complete any work that I post. This is a college course--not everything will be collected; not everything will be graded. You should still do all the assignments, however. Each assignment should be completed within a day of my posting it. I may, at any time, ask for you to upload an assignment by 11:59 p.m. on the day after the web post was created.

At this time, the only assignment I am asking you to upload is the Research Paper (although I may ask for you to upload other assignments in the future). You must upload the Research Paper (MLA Format, typed, internal citations, Works Cited page--see posts) on April 6 only. Not later. Not before. No exceptions.

I am not asking you to type any work that I posted before school closed. Hold onto that work in your binder.

Check my website every day. There may be nothing new posted; nevertheless, check the website for announcements, assignments, etc. Carefully read all assignments and announcements since we last saw one other. All the information you need is in my posts.

Keep a file copy of all typed assignments in case there is a problem with Canvas. Teachers across the country are using this learning platform.

Also, if you have questions, it is not necessary for you to email me through both the school email and Canvas. I check each site. One email is sufficient. Remember, too, that your classmates are great individuals who can help clarify issues. Communicate with one another. Make sure your friends are aware of everything I am telling you. Thank you!

I hope you and your family are well.


Mr. Mulhern