Tuesday, March 17, 2020

School Closings

Hello Scholars,

With schools closed, continue working on the posted website assignments and your Research Papers. ENC1101 students should also continue working on MyLabsPlus. You should type all your "Shorter Analysis" activities, as you may need to email them to me. Please send me your email address in the following format:

Subject Line: "First three letters of last name_First three letters of first name_About Email." Inside the email itself simply identify yourself and say this is an email where I can be reached. Also tell me your class (ENC1102 or ENC1101) and which period. Do not put your actual email address in the Subject line. I will not be answering that I received your email address, but will simply be recording it in case I need to be in touch. Thank you.

My email is james.mulhern@browardschools.com

Remember also to communicate with one another as needed.

I will give you updates as I learn new information. Check this website a few times each week.

This situation, too, will pass. Stay safe. Use precautions advised by the CDC, and take care of your family and friends.

Life may be inconvenient for a while, but eventually, things will return to normal.